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Server & General Rules

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Life In Boroughs

Non Whitelisted
General Rules
Behaviour • Give everyone respect, and treat everyone accordingly • Intentionally making people uncomfortable is not allowed. • Banned topics: NSFW, Racism, or Controversial to an extent. • Sexist, phobic, or racist/slang comments aren’t allowed. • All nicknames, emotes, profile pictures, and status must be SFW (Safe for work).
Maturity • Act like an adult. • Doing anything inhumane or speaking about it within this server, voice chat, or DM isn’t allowed. • Malicious behavior will be banned, in DMs or in the server’s chats.
Respect the Team • The staff team may have the right to warn/mute/kick/ban accordingly. • Admins reserve the right to punish individuals who break rules if they see it. • Staff are allowed to change chat topics accordingly. • No back and forth with staff in chat, voice chat, or DMs.
Privacy • Any distribution about cheats/mods and or malicious mods is not allowed. This includes any mods that could negatively impact the game experience for other players. • Sharing someone’s private information such as name, address, family, pictures will involve severe punishment.
• You are not allowed to advertise or post any other server or platform.
All players must use the proper capitalization and punctuation when doing /Me's and /Do's and must abided by all rules.
• A clipping software is highly recommended to be downloaded and useable.
• All player MUST stay IC(In Character) at all times.

General Player Knowledge
All Players names must be realistic. First and Last names as well as proper capitalization.
• Characters names may not resemble any famous/celebrity person(s).
• You are not allowed to trade any in game items for IRL(In Real Life) currency.
• Metagaming is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated in anyway. Metagaming is defined as using out of character information in character. Example: Jhon Doe is on twitch stream and a viewer types out where someone he looking for location is and Jhon Doe uses this information. Bringing any problems you have with another player out of game into game. Using out of game commutations like discord, skype, phone calls/texts. Corner peaking or manipulating your camara in a non realistic way is all also considered metagaming.

Power Gaming is strictly prohibited and against the rules and will not be tolerated. Power gaming is defined as preforming acts that are not realistic/not human like, forcing roleplay on others, manipulating or making things up for things to benefit you. Examples: Stealing or entering a vehicle with proper roleplay(/Me's and /do's),Not roleplaying injuries from fights, crashes or falls, Not properly roleplaying use and effects of drugs and alcohol, Lying in /do's, chicken running(running left to right to avoid any injuries), Using /Vpark command to escape situations or to quickly park, using any emotes or "emote canceling" to exploit fighting, using weapons, getting in and out of locked doors.
Deathmatching is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated in anyway. Deathmatching is killing another person with no real story or valid roleplay, as well as provoking can fall under deathmatching you may not provoke any sort of situation without real storyline behind it.
Vehicle Deathmatching is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Hitting someone with a car is considered vehicle deathmatching using your car as a weapon is not allowed. If you are put in a situation where it is no choice (Life or Death) you may use your Vehicle to get away. Example; Jhon Doe is in a car at a stop when 3 people begin to surround his car with guns aiming at him as he tries to raise his hands the males begin to fire into the car Jhon Doe then pushes on the gas pedal trying to escape the scene and hits the shooter who is standing Infront of his car. This is not considered VDM(Vehicle deathmatching).
Abusing game physics is strictly not allowed and is punishable. Combat rolling, Olympic swimming, Spam Punching, Bunny Hooping, Unrealistic Driving, Drive By shooting as a Driver, Abuse of Jobs.
Everyone player must value their life. NO EXCEPTIONS! In any situation you are in you must value your life to the fullest and treat it as it like you would treat yourself.
Robbing or scamming; Players are not allowed to force players to withdraw money from the bank, Players are not allowed to force players to give them in game keys via scripts, You may only scam up to 15,000$, You may not rob any Ems, police or fire department workers, you may not rob someone while using a luxury vehicle, you may not chain rob or rob without proper RP build up or reasoning.

*This Forum Is Subject To Change At Any Time.*
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